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We say water is hard if its mineral content is between 120 to 180 parts per million (PPM). Please note that Magnesium and Calcium concentrations are the primary minerals used to determine whether water is hard or soft. Consequently, water that is below the 120 180 PPM limit is classified as mildly hard. In contrast, water that is above the limit is considered very hard.

Sources of Hard Water Explained

The water we use at home or at our workplaces is either surface or ground water. The origin of surface water is rivers, streams, lakes, and etc. It will help to note that surface water in use in any given municipality is supplied by the area’s local water company, and this type of water contains low traces of dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium.

Ground water, on the other hand, comes from underground water sources like hand-pumps, wells, boreholes, tube wells, and etcetra. Yes, ground water has elevated mineral traces when compared to surface water as a result of more dissolved impurities and minerals in ground water.

It will also help to remember that water is nature’s universal solvent. Therefore, it absorbs most of the minerals available in the earth’s crust as it makes it way from its underground reserves to storage tanks.

Everything You Need To Know About the Effects of Hard Water

You now know that water can be hard as a result of its mineral concentration. Likewise, it is best to understand that using hard water has various effects, which you need to get acquainted with, especially if you reside in an area where hard water on pipes and taps is the norm.

Hard Water and Household Equipment

The last thing you want to see on your coffee maker is lime scale. However, you might have to get used to the sight of lime scale on your coffee maker if you have been brewing your morning coffee using hard water. The coffee maker aside, lime scale can also affect your tea kettles, shower heads, washing machines, taps, inside of pipes, and similar household appliances.

The formation of scale inside pipes results in a decrease in water flow through the affected pipes. If not fixed in time, the pipes eventually become clogged, which might call for pipe replacement–an expensive fix.

Hard Water and Health

Drinking hard water has never resulted in any known medical condition. Nevertheless, areas with very hard water tend to have more cases of patients suffering from kidney stones. Individuals residing in areas where the water is very hard also suffer from skin and hair complications.

Yes, bathing in hard water can result in itchy skin with rough hair, especially if you have sensitive skin. Please remember that mineral deposits on the skin as a result of using hard water can prevent your skin from attaining a perfect moisture balance.

Hard Water and Food & Beverage Preparation

Using water of a certain quality guarantees beverages and foods have the best taste possible. Hard water contains unnecessary mineral levels, which might prevent you from getting the best tasting foods and drinks. Also, note that besides taste, color, and odor, hard water affects the lifespan of foods and drinks.

Reducing Water Hardness with San Antonio TX Water Filters

If your home has hard water, fret not, there is a solution. A reverse osmosis water filtration system can or a whole home can rid your home of hard water. If you’re looking at San Antonio Water Softeners for your home, or if you have questions, contact us today! If you already have a water softener but it doesn’t seem to be doing its job, we offer fast, friendly & affordable water softener repair in San Antonio TX!